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martes, 15 de marzo de 2011

Last week...*

In the last week we study the verbs in past participle... 
but is stressfull because is dificult :S

****HW pAgE 11 StEp1*******

Have you ever tried snake?
No, i haven`t
Have you ever tried octopus?
No, i haven`t tried octopus 
Have you ever tried  guinea pig?
No, i haven`t tried guiena pig
Have you ever tried swiss cheese?
Yes, i have in a dominos pizza restaurant
Have you ever been to Moscow?
No, i haven`t been in moscow yet
Have you ever been to shangai?
No, i haven`t been to shangai yet
Have you ever been to istanbul?
No, i haven`t been to istanbul yet
Have you ever been to Honolulu?
No, i haven`t been to honolulu yet.
Have you ever gone halg gliding?
No, i haven`t gone halg gliding
Have you ever sailing?
No, i haven`t
Have you ever Horseback riding?
No, i haven`t
Have you ever snorkeling?
No, i haven`t


Unlike other Spanish colonies, Panama's subsistence agriculture never depended on corn. Game and fish were always sources of protein, and corn is eaten mainly in the form of thick cakes called arepas and maize gruel. The Kuna roast bananas and boil them in a soup dish that consists of water squeezed through grated coconut meat, fish, and fowl or a game meat.


A "country" morning meal, called "drinking tea," includes boiled bananas or roasted breadfruit, sauteed callaloo with "saal fish" (salted cod), and "bush" (herbal) or "chaklit" (chocolate) tea. Afro-Jamaicans eat a midafternoon lunch as the main meal of the day.

Cultures ***

Habits in Germany vary by social class and milieu, but it is possible to generalize about the behavior of the inclusive middle class, which has emerged in the prosperous postwar era. Most Germans acquire food from both supermarkets and specialty shops, such as bakeries and butcher shops.

martes, 8 de marzo de 2011

Friendship and Love**

Nice video!!!

The friendship and love two things very important in ower life....
its true...
Love in not finding the perfect person..
its seeing an imperfect person perfectly....


Friends are like stars they come and go...
but, the ones that stay, are the ones that glow...

video Funny Tourist***


Parece que quiere comprar un boleto de avion y le entrega una identificacion a la trabajadora y no cree que sea de el y empieza a vestirse de tal manera que se paresca a la foto de su identificacion falsa o robada

Last Week.....****

Last week we learned the regular verbs,  pronuns.
and we visited the laboratory...was funny......**


 In a picnic i like to eat mmmm.......... Hamburgers,
hot dogs, 
sodas,  and
all candyes can i eat!!!! :D